Our core is to investigate ecclesiastical complaints and attempt to resolve them, usually through recommendations (binding or not) or mediation. We sometimes aim to identify systemic issues leading to poor service or breaches of people's rights by members, officials and others connected to the church. At the national level, we have a wide mandate to deal with the entire public sector, all area of this church, and sometimes also elements of the private sector (for example, contracted service providers). In some cases, there is a more restricted mandate, for example with particular members of our society. More recent developments have included the creation of specialized Children's Ombudsman and Information Commissioner agencies to deal with church youth and the nexus to our communities of violence.
Sister Ruth Thompson-Ellis
National Administrative Assistant
Office of the Ombudsman
Office Ph: (636) 224-6637 Extension 3093
Daniel Henderson
Director of National Ecclesiastical Security
Security Officers
Local Ombudsmen
Budget of Security Officials
,As stated, we investigate all matters and areas of the church. The core of what we do is keep the peace within and without the body as we serve the will of GOD. This includes, but not limited to the following;
- Church Security (local & National),
- Ecclesiastical Investigation of new members and Others,
- Ecclesiastical Court Services,
- Conflict Resolution by and between members and others,
- and much more.......
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